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A (mm)
L (mm)
A (mm) L (mm) h1 (mm) h (mm) h3 (mm) e (mm) e1 (mm) d (mm) d1 (mm) t (mm) Hole Product Code Price Stock 3D Add to Cart
125 150 52 47 85 45 100 26 17.5 15 2 G111125150

125 200 52 47 85 95 150 26 17.5 15 2 G111125200

125 250 52 47 85 145 100 26 17.5 15 3 G111125250

125 300 52 47 85 195 125 26 17.5 15 3 G111125300

65 150 47 44 65 45 100 20 13.5 20 2 G11165150

65 200 47 44 65 95 150 20 13.5 20 2 G11165200

65 250 47 44 65 145 100 20 13.5 20 3 G11165250

65 300 47 44 65 195 125 20 13.5 20 3 G11165300


There is ± 0.12 tolerance between fixing holes and ± 0.10 tolerance between pin holes.

Material: Bronze with graphite inserts

Order: G111. a x L