Büyük Halini Gör Büyük Halini Gör Video Bulunmamaktadır. Özel Sipariş Image Technical 3D Image Catalog Customise Technical Details Product Explanation Filter the list by product size. L (mm) All 56 74 100 M L (mm) d1 (mm) d2 (mm) L1 (mm) L2 (mm) SW Spring Ø Product Code Price Stock 3D Add to Cart M12 56 19 28 8 30 6 63 PSPM1256 M16 74 22 32 10 40 8 800 -100 PSPM1674 M20 100 28 38 15 55 10 125-140 PSPM20100 Go to Cart Order: PSP. M x L Material: 1.7131 (16MnCr5) IN THIS CATEGORY PMK Polyurethane Compression Spring / 90 Shore PRPK Polyurethane Shock Absorbing Washer / 90 Shore PYK Polyurethane Compression Spring / 90 Shore PMV Locating Pin for Polyurethane Spring PYP Guide Bolt for Polyurethane Spring PRPS Polyurethane Shock Absorbing Washer / 80 Shore PYS Polyurethane Compression Spring / 80 Shore PMS Polyurethane Compression Spring / 80 Shore PPK / PPS Poliüretan, Plakalar