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K (mm)
L (mm)
B (mm)
K (mm) L (mm) B (mm) Form Product Code Price Stock 3D Add to Cart
10.3 302 20 A G12210330220A

10.3 302 35 A G12210330235A

10.3 302 50 A G12210330250A

5.3 302 20 A G1225330220A

5.3 302 35 A G1225330235A

5.3 302 50 A G1225330250A

5 50 25 B G12255025B

5 50 40 B G12255040B

5 71 25 B G12257125B

5 71 40 B G12257140B

5 80 40 B G12258040B

5 90 25 B G12259025B

5 90 40 B G12259040B

6 100 40 B G122610040B

6 100 63 B G122610063B

6 125 40 B G122612540B

6 125 63 B G122612563B

6 160 40 B G122616040B

6 160 63 B G122616063B

6 200 40 B G122620040B

6 200 63 B G122620063B


Heat Resistance :

Long strip wear plates is compatible for use by perforated connection holes and cutting by user (in desired length). Working surfaces should be lubricated for once.

Order: G122. k x L x B x Form