Why test with compressed air?
G170 is used to detect water leakages that may occur during assembly and trials after new mould production / modification.
Test with compressed air; it is cleaner and faster than test methods with a water pımp , etc.
Air has a higher fluidity of x15/20 than warm water (80°C). For this reason, the high fluidity of air shows even leaks that are sealed when tested with water.
Operating İnstructions :
1-Connect the pressure gauge to the inlet of the cooling circuit.
2-Connect the valve to the circuit outlet and close the valve.
3-Using the air gun to the unit with the pressure gauge , pump air until the arrow reaches the maximum level . For test pressure max. 4 Bar of air is sufficient.
4-The test time can be between 90-180 seconds depending on te size of the injection mould volume.If the arrow is still is successful.
5-If the arrow has decreased , necasary coorections should be made.