Büyük Halini Gör Büyük Halini Gör Video Bulunmamaktadır. Özel Sipariş Image Technical 3D Image Catalog Customise Technical Details Product Explanation Filter the list by product size. Ød2 All 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 d1 (mm) All 6.5 8.5 10.5 11 12 13 13.5 14 17 18 21 23.5 25 26 32 37 42 S (mm) All 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Ød2 d1 (mm) S (mm) Shore Product Code Price Stock 3D Add to Cart 100 21 10 80 PRPS1002110 16 11 3 80 PRPS16113 16 11 4 80 PRPS16114 16 6.5 3 80 PRPS16653 16 6.5 4 80 PRPS16654 20 11 3 80 PRPS20113 20 11 4 80 PRPS20114 20 11 5 80 PRPS20115 20 13 3 80 PRPS20133 20 13 4 80 PRPS20134 20 13 5 80 PRPS20135 20 8.5 3 80 PRPS20853 20 8.5 4 80 PRPS20854 20 8.5 5 80 PRPS20855 25 10.5 3 80 PRPS251053 25 10.5 4 80 PRPS251054 25 10.5 5 80 PRPS251055 25 12 3 80 PRPS25123 25 12 4 80 PRPS25124 25 12 5 80 PRPS25125 25 14 3 80 PRPS25143 25 14 4 80 PRPS25144 25 14 5 80 PRPS25145 32 13.5 3 80 PRPS321353 32 13.5 4 80 PRPS321354 32 13.5 5 80 PRPS321355 32 13.5 6 80 PRPS321356 32 13.5 7 80 PRPS321357 32 18 3 80 PRPS32183 32 18 4 80 PRPS32184 32 18 5 80 PRPS32185 32 18 6 80 PRPS32186 32 18 7 80 PRPS32187 32 21 3 80 PRPS32213 32 21 4 80 PRPS32214 32 21 5 80 PRPS32215 32 21 6 80 PRPS32216 32 21 7 80 PRPS32217 32 23.5 3 80 PRPS322353 32 23.5 4 80 PRPS322354 32 23.5 5 80 PRPS322355 32 23.5 6 80 PRPS322356 32 23.5 7 80 PRPS322357 32 25 3 80 PRPS32253 32 25 4 80 PRPS32254 32 25 5 80 PRPS32255 32 25 6 80 PRPS32256 32 25 7 80 PRPS32257 40 13.5 5 80 PRPS401355 40 13.5 6 80 PRPS401356 40 13.5 7 80 PRPS401357 40 13.5 8 80 PRPS401358 40 17 5 80 PRPS40175 40 17 6 80 PRPS40176 40 17 7 80 PRPS40177 40 17 8 80 PRPS40178 40 21 5 80 PRPS40215 40 21 6 80 PRPS40216 40 21 7 80 PRPS40217 40 21 8 80 PRPS40218 40 32 5 80 PRPS40325 40 32 6 80 PRPS40326 40 32 7 80 PRPS40327 40 32 8 80 PRPS40328 50 17 10 80 PRPS501710 50 17 6 80 PRPS50176 50 17 7 80 PRPS50177 50 17 8 80 PRPS50178 50 26 10 80 PRPS502610 50 26 6 80 PRPS50266 50 26 7 80 PRPS50267 50 26 8 80 PRPS50268 50 32 10 80 PRPS503210 50 32 6 80 PRPS50326 50 32 7 80 PRPS50327 50 32 8 80 PRPS50328 50 37 10 80 PRPS503710 50 37 6 80 PRPS50376 50 37 7 80 PRPS50377 50 37 8 80 PRPS50378 63 17 10 80 PRPS631710 63 17 6 80 PRPS63176 63 32 10 80 PRPS633210 63 32 6 80 PRPS63326 80 21 10 80 PRPS802110 80 21 8 80 PRPS80218 80 42 10 80 PRPS804210 80 42 8 80 PRPS80428 Go to Cart 90 Shore - red / %25 80 Shore - yellow / %35 Order: Code. d1 x d2 x s IN THIS CATEGORY PMK Polyurethane Compression Spring / 90 Shore PRPK Polyurethane Shock Absorbing Washer / 90 Shore PYK Polyurethane Compression Spring / 90 Shore PMV Locating Pin for Polyurethane Spring PYP Guide Bolt for Polyurethane Spring PYS Polyurethane Compression Spring / 80 Shore PSP Locating Bolt for Polyurethane Spring PMS Polyurethane Compression Spring / 80 Shore PPK / PPS Poliüretan, Plakalar